
我是陳玉潔。我是明州(Minnesota)全職,有持牌的專業房地產經紀(Realtor)。我也持有Broker執照。我幫客戶買賣家庭住宅, 土地, 餐館, 店舖, 生意, 商業樓, 及出租空舖。


  • 定居美國明州雙城(Minneapolis/St. Paul Twin Cities, Minnesota)近40年,熟識本區地理環境
  • 經紀房地產總值超千萬美元; 自2010年以來, 就買賣400+棟樓房
  • 資深優異, 多獲獎項, 也受委明州明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)房地產經紀協會董事會的董事
  • 一流的英語,且能說廣東話, 台山話,普通話
  • 美國明州大學(University of Minnesota at Twin Cities)學士,也曾在大學時候到中國天津南開大學暑修中文和教英文
  • 精通房地產知識,高深的市場分析能力
  • 運用最新的知訊和技術為您買房或賣房
  • 殷勤周到,誠信可靠
  • 高超議價技巧, 為您獲得最大的利益


我很欣賞陳玉潔的服務精神,她回電話回email都很快,有問有答,我很滿意。我自認自己的英文不差,但可真得比不上陳玉潔,聽她代表我和其他美國人經紀談判交涉, 爭取利益,我很放心。我覺得陳玉潔很了解我在美買賣房屋的口味和要求,讓她幫忙,感覺親切舒適。有玉潔這樣一位優秀的經紀人在明州為中國人社區效勞,真很難得。我絕對推薦陳玉潔!

X.C., 高科技工程師

I am writing to express my complete satisfaction with Yu Jie Chen as a realtor. Throughout the entire process Yu Jie Chen was professional, conscientious, and motivated. I always felt as though I was her only client. Her knowledge of the local market and her key contacts in the community helped us in our search for our home. After patiently going through listings and explaining tax details with us, she made sure we got the best value purchase for the new house.
Regardless of whether you are buying or selling, I would highly recommend Yu Jie Chen to help you in this life changing move. We could not have asked for a better Realtor to guide us through the process.

簡譯: 陳玉潔是我買屋的經紀,我十分滿意她的服務。她很專業,且有責任心。玉潔對本地熟悉, 成功的幫我買到了一棟最好價值的房子。不管你是要買,還是要賣屋, 找陳玉潔, 一定沒有差錯。

Justin Lin

Yu Jie was a great help in the entire process of selling our home. She was patient and answered all of our questions while making the whole process as painless as can be. We were also pleased to see her good grasp of mobile technology enabling constant communication throughout the process – even while she was on vacation! Thanks again Yu Jie!!

簡譯: 玉潔有耐心,讓我賣屋子的整個過程非常順利,她有豐富的房地產知識,回答了我所有的問題,玉潔,謝謝你!

Michael Golden (玉潔注: Michael 的屋子在4天內就賣成了!)


K.T., 房地產投資家

I worked with Yu Jie to find The House that will meet our needs. She helped us set the right expectations, look at the right houses, negotiate the most, and followed up to completion. We loved working with her.

簡譯: 玉潔幫我們買了心愛的房子。從找房子到看房子,和出價談判到完成交易,整個過程很順利,我喜歡玉潔做我的房地產經紀。

Indra Mendoza, manager at Fortune 100 company


Yin Tian

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